Bijili Crackers, also known as electric sparklers or sparklers, are a type of firework that produce a bright and colorful spark when ignited. They are a popular choice for adding some glamour and excitement to any celebration.

Yes, our Bijili Crackers are made with high-quality materials and undergo strict safety checks to ensure they are safe for use. However, it’s important to always follow the instructions on the packaging and use them responsibly.

Absolutely! At Tamilcrackers, we offer a wide range of Bijili Crackers starting from just Rs.16. You can easily order them online and have them delivered right to your doorstep.

Using Bijili Crackers is easy. Simply hold the sparkler away from your body and light the tip with a lighter or match. Keep a safe distance from others and flammable materials, and avoid touching the sparkler once it has been lit.

The duration of a Bijili Cracker’s spark depends on its length and quality. Our Bijili Crackers typically last for around 30-45 seconds, providing plenty of time for you to enjoy their beautiful sparkling effect.

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